Where's Lucy?
The Lucy Tradition

Lucy joined the Pocket Sandwich Theatre in 1986, when a whimsical Stage Manager purchased her at a nearby Goodwill Store (where we buy many of our props) for two bits. She was spray painted gold and included in the "treasure trove" for our production of "Phantom Of The Opera." Since then, she has been included - somewhere - on the set of each of our productions. She has become a tradition - to the extent that our owners, producers, directors, and actors become very antsy about her being on the stage for luck. Once, when she was inadvertently dropped in a trash can, all other activity came to a halt while an intensive search was conducted. The first things our regular patrons look for after they are seated is Lucy, situated somewhere inconspicuously on the set of the show.
In 1996, one of our long time performers, John Bode, passed away. One of his last requests was that a portion of his ashes be deposited in various locations in and about Dallas - locations which he remembered fondly. The Pocket Sandwich Theatre was one of them. When trying to determine a good location for them - one where John wouldn't be swept out with the popcorn, we decided that Lucy was the perfect answer. That way he would not only be present, but could participate in each of our productions. So - we bored a hole in the base of the Lucy statuette, and in went John.
In 2009 our beloved actor, playwright and friend Steve Lovett passed away. His family requested that some of his ashes be encased in Lucy. This necessitated building a new base for Lucy.
In 2010, we lost our co-founder Joe Dickinson, who now joins the resident's of Lucy and Hal Finley, Pocket family member, actor, and beloved employee was added to the elite residents in 2015.
2020 was a year of tragedies and loss. Original Pocket pal and employee, Janett Bollman, joined the members of The Lucy Club and is sorely loved and missed by us all.
So - next time you're here, you can play our little "Where's Waldo?" ("Where's Lucy?", actually) game, and see if you can figure out where we've put Lucy. (Think about John, Steve, Hal, Janett, and Joe too, when you spot her. They'd like that.)